Religious Leaders, Germany: A priest lets the bells ring against intolerance

When a group of hateful and anti-foreign propagandists of the NPD (National-democratic Party - generally identified as a Neo-Nazi group) assembeled in July, 2006 in the small city of Miltenberg on the Main river, near Würzburg in Northern Bavaria, its courageous Catholic priest Ulrich Boom had one idea: he let the bells of his church tower ring as loudly as he could until the NDP group gave up and the march for intolerance was ended - after only 20 minutes.
The NPD tried to sue him for breaking the peace, but the state attorney stopped the trial.
Pope Benedikt XVI. promoted the brave priest from the Lower Main - a new kind a Don Camilo - to become Auxiallary Bishop of Würzburg in 2009.
Ulrich Boom showed that tolerance needs people of courage who are not scared by radicals.